
“Even now my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high.” Job 16:19 NIV

My best friend’s a lawyer.

From Perry Mason to O.J. Simpson, from Judge Judy to the Trump trials, Americans have a love affair with courtroom drama. The same passion that stirs us to jump and scream for a Brady-like, last second touchdown boils our blood when justice is meted out, when “our guy” or “our team” comes out on the winning side as the last gavel echos in the halls of judgment. 

I recently read that President Trump has forked out around $100 million in legal fees to defend himself against the tsunami of “crimes” he is being accused of. The truth is, anyone facing trial and the prospects of being stripped of freedom knows no expense can be spared to hire the best attorney possible. Bank accounts are emptied. Debts are accrued. Properties mortgaged. None of these things can be enjoyed when you are in prison anyway! A good lawyer becomes your only hope.

Job realized this. It was the only thing that propped him up when his entire world came crashing down, when all his “friends” and even his wife added to his misery with their slings and arrows. Despite the mountain of evidence that swelled against him, the revelation that he had one Witness who would testify on his behalf, and that He was also the most powerful Advocate in the universe, emboldened and imbued him with confidence. Seeing Him, Job did not surrender to despair, or lower himself to attacking those who harmed him. Knowing His position, His track record, His tenacity, Job was convinced there could only be one outcome to his trial: justice would prevail. 

Sometimes I wonder how the drama of my own trial will play out. Given the preponderance of evidence stacked against me, the fact that I am guilty to the bone, how will my case be decided? 

On thing is for sure: I dare not represent myself in these proceedings! Neither dare I skimp to hire a budget defender. I need a good lawyer…no, the best lawyer, the only one who guarantees victory for all who trust Him. And to think I don’t have to go into debt to retain Him. He’s offered to take my case pro bono! 

Jesus literally is our Defense Attorney. Whenever I mess up, He goes to bat for me, making appeals, filing motions, paying fines, bail, and bonds, even bearing the punishment which was supposed to be mine. The evidence of his scars and empty tomb are the assurance of my acquittal and yours. 

Like Job, we need a revelation of our Advocate in our day. We need to recover the kind of ferocious appreciation for our Intercessor that Charles Wesley expressed so poignantly in his hymn, Arise My Soul Arise, written in 1742: 

Five bleeding wounds He bears received on Calvary

They pour effectual prayers they strongly plead for me

“Forgive him, O forgive, ” they cry

“Forgive him, O forgive, ” they cry

“Nor let that ransomed sinner die!”

John the Beloved had known Jesus as his best friend, teacher, prophet, and ultimately his Savior. But after Jesus died, was buried, and ascended into heaven, his message to his followers “so that you may not sin” was that Jesus has become the Defense Attorney for all peoples, for all time. As you consider the prospects of going to trial, of dealing with accusations or wracked by guilt, of appearing before the Judge of all the earth, may this truth grip and anchor you as it did Job:

“But if anyone does sin, we have an Advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous.” 1 John 2:1b NLT