
I arrived in Asia with a backpack and a guitar more than 40 years ago.  What an adventure it’s been!  A beautiful wife, seven gorgeous children, seven spunky grandchildren, and a team of sold-out lovers of God and the unreached later…and I still carry the same passion, same sense of adventure, and same belief that this nations of this region are instruments in the hands of the Lord that will usher in the “greater things” that have been promised in the days before His glorious Return.


So, fellow pilgrims, why not throw that old backpack onto your shoulders? We’ve yet got many a winding mile ahead, many rivers to ford, and many mountains to climb…until all have heard.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. thanks fot the dvd you sent me and all your post card, try e-mailing you but it came back.
    God bless you as obey and do His will to reach and teach and direct lives to reach the loos at any cost. Jean Watson supported your work she went on to glory and it is a joy to encourage those on the field.

  2. Did you hear God for this move 30 years ago? I was told God will not call me and not call my husband…… Therefore, I am still waiting…….. 🙂 Patience is a big trial! 🙂

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