“He who gathers in summer is a wise son;
He who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame.” PR 10:5

No matter what season we are in, our goal is to stay fervent, passionate, and on fire.

Both sets of grandparents were farmers. Our friends were farmers. I worked on farms, and played in my cousins’ barns. I remember collecting maple syrup using horses with drawn sleighs as a young boy. The farming culture is a busy one. You rise early, and you work hard.

Maybe that’s why I am drawn to scriptures that use agricultural illustrations. Because I remember the intensity and urgency of the harvest season, I cannot imagine a scene where one among us would be caught sleeping while everyone else is so completely engrossed in bringing in the sheaves.

PR 10:4-5 are a couplet contrasting diligence with laziness. “The hand of the diligent makes rich” is completed by the idea of gathering in summer, the time during the agriculture cycle when it is easy to kick back and lose focus. A diligent person knows the importance of preserving a sense of urgency, and of keeping one’s eye on the goal, and the danger of distractions. He knows to stay busy during the hot and long days of summer where its easy to find an excuse to kick back.

Having lived and served with our precious brothers and sisters from the House Churches in China I have been privileged to witness a generation of believers who are as passionate about the harvest of souls around them now as they were when I first knew them, which for some has been for more than 20 years. I have asked God to give me coals from their altars to make me burn, and then help you to burn too. In fact, why don’t you take a moment to just ask the Lord to touch you with that coal right now. Lord, set me on fire, restore a passion in me for the harvest. Help me to be a wise son!

And help me NOT to be a son that causes shame. While not every field of the world is equally harvestable, much depends on our ability to lift up our eyes and see that the harvest is ripe, and not in the field itself. Jesus’ disciples did not SEE the harvest. Jesus did. This reminder itself should help to be careful. Am I guilty of blaming the harvest in my neighborhood, in my culture, among my colleagues, for not being ripe like those other fields? Beloved, there may well be a harvest out there that you are not seeing! Let’s not be caught sleeping.

The Happy Camper

“Happy are the people whose God is the Lord.” PS 144:15

This is the last verse, a consummation, of a section of scripture which is filled with tension. PS 140-144 all have in their subtitles, “A Psalm of David”. PS 142 even adds “a prayer when David was in the cave”. They were composed during some of the darkest days of David’s life. Either he was engaged in actual war, or fleeing for his life, or being viciously slandered, even betrayed, or suffering persecution. Two times in the midst of it all he cries out, “my spirit is overwhelmed within me”!! Modern day translation? AGGGHHHH!!!

Any of these things constitute circumstances more difficult than most of us will face in a lifetime; yet they are recorded for us as happening to one man in just a couple of pages in your Bible. In this context, to conclude by saying that he was happy?! I don’t know about you, but this really makes me wonder how?

Thankfully, David does not just make a suggestion. He does not just give us a couple of bright ideas. Fact is, he gets downright specific. So here we go, check out these survival keys:

1. “Lord, I cry out to you.” We’ve all heard of the primordial scream, right? Well, this “crying” is not at all the same. The one who will learn to press through trouble and every kind of conflict has to have this weapon in his arsenal. He knows how to CRY unto the Lord. There is a world of difference in crying about and crying to.
2. “My eyes are upon you.” David did not fix his eyes upon his attack or his attackers. He didn’t look for blame, pity, or an escape. Rather than dwell on his circumstances and surroundings, David teaches us the secret of staying focused completely on the Lord who alone was his comfort, his refuge, and his salvation.
3. “I remember the days of old.” The wise person understands the folly of being fixated on the present. He reaches back to find his anchor in the faithfulness of God who has never left or forsaken in the past. He knows to dig up the wells of his forefathers. He knows to recount over and over the Red Sea crossings of his journey. With every remembrance his confidence grows. Yes, the wise person’s faith is firmly established upon the numerous deliverances and victories of the past.
4. “Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness.” One of the greatest services we can pay to others and to ourselves is to study and recall the nature and character of our God. His power, His patience, His sovereignty, His steadfast love, His mercy. Paul said, “to know Him, and the power of His resurrection”. It is not enough to know what God can do; we must know who it is doing it.
5. “Let my head refuse it.” David knew that much of the battle is either won or lost not in the field, but in the mind. David was being lied to, and threatened, and attacked. If he believed the lies, he would have succumbed. He would have grown weaker and not stronger. If he had attempted to fight Goliath with his brain, he would have reasoned his way to the back of the line, back to “safety”, and back to defeat.
6. “Bring my soul out of trouble.” Our emotions too must be brought under submission. They cannot be suppressed, but they can be managed. When confronted with trials and conflict, we will be paralyzed if we allow fear or depression to sit in the driver’s seat. We do not deny, or ignore our feelings. But we need to tell them to sit in the back, quietly, so as not to dominate the conversation and stay as far away from the wheel as possible!
7. “I will sing a new song to You, O God!” Lastly, David leaves us an example of one who never ceases to praise the Lord. The song does not change His circumstances; it changes him. In praise all the previous six keys are brought together. When he praises, he elevates spirit above reason and feelings. He cries out to the Lord in a song, and as he exalts, his focus naturally turns to the object of his attention rather than on the situation or people which have overwhelmed him. In his song, he recounts the great things God has done. As he worships, his lips declare the goodness, grace, and glory of the God of his salvation.

Although I do not know the origins of the phrase, “I’m not a happy camper”, I can easily imagine where it came from. As someone raised in Vermont, I had many opportunities to put the happy camper theory to the test. Indeed, sometimes camping was fun. The weather cooperated, the equipment did not break, and my fellow campers ground their axes before they came. Some of my best memories come from such vacations.

At other times camping has been a nightmare (I wonder if Robin Williams will ever rent an RV in real life?). I am been visited by bears, angry, frog-stabbing men, black fly onslaughts, and hornets. I have met snowstorms while in shorts and a T-shirt, and had holey tents (not holy tents, mind you) in torrential thunderstorms. I have gotten sick, and have met campers who I am sure had horns under their hats, and a pitch-forks parked in their lean-tos.

Indeed, life is an adventure much like a camping trip. Sometimes the ride is smooth; at other times it is bumpy, even harrowing. Sometimes there is peace; at other times we meet with hardships, conflicts, and adversity. No matter where you happen to pitch your tent, do not forget these seven survival keys that David has laid out in his “Camper’s Guide”. If you do, I am sure you will find yourself earning the most prestigious Boyscout badge given among men. Better than being an Eagle Scout; you can proudly say, “I’m a Happy Camper”.

Kingdom Invasion Update

Dear Intercessors,


“Our fathers have told us the deeds that you did in their days…”  PS 44:1


Joyce and I just arrived in Hong Kong to attend her nephew’s wedding.  They had a spate of gruesome murders over the weekend that has this city in a spin.  2 Tim 3:1 says in the last days perilous times will come followed by a list that couldn’t better describe the days we are living in, and which includes the word “brutal or savage”.  I am determined to tell of the GOOD NEWS lest we the people of  God become discouraged.

Sister with LUPUS 7 years up LEAPS out of her wheelchair

Sister with LUPUS 7 years up LEAPS out of her wheelchair

Kingdom Invasion

The conference was amazing.  The 7,000 seat auditorium had overflow crowds for the last night as news of the tangible presence of God was there, and as there were many wonderful healings. A boy was healed of club feet, and I have taken a picture of a girl who got up out of her wheelchair after suffering with Lupus for seven years.  She was literally leaping for joy!  Check out the link,


I was privileged to be a host.  A highlight for me in this role was receiving Heidi Baker’s Iris Cambodia team, whom I then introduced to Steve Hyde who has the most mature and effective ministry in Cambodia (I visited Steve in Cambodia and he was a speaker at our recent retreat).  Heidi joined us for lunch as the connection brought together the wisdom and maturity, and the cry for laborers, with youthful, spirit-filled, willing to die for Jesus young people who see themselves in Cambodia for years to come.  I know this meeting will bear much fruit for years to come.


Weekend Ministry

I ministered three times this past weekend.  While Sunday morning was a powerful time at the Rock of Ages Church in Singapore, Saturday and Sunday evenings were a part of the 80th anniversary celebrations of a Singapore company which has been owned by a Christian family for three generations and which has expanded to have many branch offices in China.  Saturday was an evangelistic message to all their managers from Singapore, Malaysia, and China, and then Sunday night was just with the China team.  Beloved, my deepest memory was for more than two hours on Sunday night all the China managers sat around and asked me sincere questions about the gospel.  I mean ALL.  The whole crowd was riveted to my sharing, though not one of them was a Christian before the weekend.  I don’t know how many came to Christ over the weekend, among whom were professionals who have graduated from China’s Harvards and Yales, but I can hardly use words to express the privilege it was for me to have presented the gospel with such clarity, taking illustrations from their own Chinese history, culture, and language, to these precious Chinese souls.


China Trip

Joyce will return to Singapore on Saturday while I will be back in China until April 8th.  We are hosting another training of Chinese pastors from 6-7 provinces.  Most of these pastors have been coming to our trainings for the past 3 years, and are now ready to commit to a unified vision and to forming a Body for the purpose of mission, fellowship, and accountability.  It will culminate with 11 receiving ordination and then two intensive days of hammering out policies and principles of this Body together with Elim leaders and a select team of Apostolic leaders chosen to represent the rest.


There will be much to report from this time!  Pray for our security, and for the Lord’s hand to be upon Joyce and the kids while I am away.  In the meantime, don’t be discouraged by all the bad news that is out there.  “Lift up your heads”.  There is a lot of good out there too!


PS.  I didn’t even mention that Tabby is back and quite transformed from her mission trip to the Philippines.  She took some awesome pictures, which I will try to pick at least one out for you some time as well.


Anna’s Engaged!

Nathan Rogers & Anna Graves

Nate Rogers & Anna Graves

Well, I told you that I had good news for you : ) Anna met Nate Rogers the first week she was in med school. Within a few months a friendship was blossoming and through time and prayer it has become clear that this was of the Lord!

I met Nate while I was back in the US last August. He and Anna traveled with me during a part of my preaching tour. Then he came to Singapore for Christmas. He had to pass the Jeremy, Daniel, and Charlotte litmus test, which he did with flying colors. If Anna had said no, he would have to answer to them!

Most on this later!!!

Kevin & Joyce

Tabby in Philippines 1

Our Daughter Tabitha is on a mission trip to the Philippines. Here is a clip from her blog…

His little ones – He wants it all.
Hello there!

I just have to say… the bread in Manila IS as good as they say! First off, I just gotta say thank you Jesus for getting us all here safely. It has been a crazy couple of days. From the second we got here it feels like we have been going on and on. It’s only been two days! But we must have some serious supernatural help because there is no way we would be able to accomplish as much as we have without His mighty help and sweet guidance. God is faithful.

Like I was saying, I know I speak on behalf of us when I say that it has been the craziest 72 hours of my life. From feedings, to the Jaz home (where the beautiful Josie’s angels reside), to the darling children’s home. We have already managed to get on one another’s nerves and take patience to new and extreme levels. But through that, we find ourselves learning, constantly challenged, and growing!

This is my very first time to the Philippines. And man, I love it already! I love what God is doing here and I look forward to what He will be doing. I could go on and on about the adorable children. Welcoming hearts, smiling eyes, and precious laughter. But at the same time, I see the disappointment. People go in and out of their lives. I see the hurt, feelings of being unwanted. And the worries of what’s to come or what’s to end. I see a people who don’t know what or rather WHO to cry out to. They want hope, freedom, true joy! My prayer is that we would be the hands and feet of Christ. And through that, they would know that they are apart of the body. They are such a significant part of The Kingdom. And He wants them ALL.

I had the opportunity to go on a feeding for the first time with a couple of my team members. It was overwhelming. The whole way there I was asking: “Please God, please fill every hungry stomach. Multiply the food! Every person that comes will eat. Whether they come with a bowl, cup or plastic bag. Feed your little ones.” (I had heard that several times there was not enough food and they had to leave the village without feeding everyone) I was determined that that would not be the case this time around. And sure enough, the whole village ate. In fact, some even came back for seconds! Praise The Lord!

So yes, we are being challenged in different ways! Personally, I find this trip very revealing. You learn a lot about yourself and one another. You have time to slow down and reflect. In a sense, you are forced to deal with yourself and where you stand with God. And what that means to stand with God. You can either chase after lies or run to the truth.

“How long are you going to love what is empty and seek what is a lie?” – Psalms 4:2

My prayer is that each and every one of us would be hungry for the truth, a real relationship with Christ. Because once you got that down, everything else just flows. I pray that He would speak to each of our little hearts and that we wouldn’t just think about it and be like “oh, that’s a cool thought!” But also dig a little deeper and let the things that we learn translate in our hearts and reflect in our very beings! 🙂

Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers and thoughts.

Be blessed!
– Tabby

Offense Free Zone

Sorry it has taken me so long to get #2 out there. Part of the reason is that this has yet to become a habit. I so appreciated the many comments from #1, but because this is an all new tool to me, I also still have to figure out how to use it.

So my second post is more of a sharing than it is a newsletter. Still, hope you enjoy it : )

Take it or Leave it

“Blessed is he who is not offended because of me…” MT 11:6

Jesus told us unequivocally that offenses would come (MT 18:7). Experience tells us the same. Unless you are a monk who lives in a cave completely separated from people, you are going to have plenty of opportunities to be offended.

So the question then becomes not whether we will encounter offense, but when. So it is best be ready. Since it has been marvelously stated that the quality of one’s life is a result of the choices one makes, let me suggest a couple with regards to offense.

First, just because an offense is given, it does not mean that it has to be received. The Greek word for offense comes from the word meaning to bait a trap. So, simply put, if we take the bait offered to us by an offense, we better watch out cause our leg is going to suddenly be locked in irons and we are not going anywhere. So, friends, do not take the bait. Leave it. Don’t touch it or even stare at it in wonder. There is grace, so just walk.

OK, although this is a clear choice, it is still not easy; and usually such traps catch us unawares. Although the choice to drop the issue opens the trap and let’s us go free, it’s still not easy, and it stings. And sometimes traps leave scars.

In answer to this, Jesus teaches us a principle about offense in these words he spoke to John the Baptist while he was in prison. You see, in answer to John’s question about whether or not Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus assured him of the facts, that He performed all the works that could only be done by the Son of God. But he didn’t stop there. Jesus did not want John to receive an offense because Jesus, though God, did not seem to care that he was in prison. Hadn’t He inaugurated His ministry stating that He would “set the prisoners free”?. To this Jesus deftly adds the words quoted above, “blessed is he who is not offended.” It seems clear Jesus wanted John the Baptist (and us) to be offense-free. It was bad enough that he was in one prison without being in a prison within a prison.

Bill Johnson shares great insight on this verse when he gives us a second clear choice that we can make when an offense is given: choose to dwell on the positive and not on the negative. Don’t fixate on the fact that you are in prison. Dwell on the fact that the blind are seeing and the dead are being raised. Dwell on what God is doing, not what He is not doing. Get your mind off of those things that offend and back on God. In this way you can actually be free no matter where you, even in a real prison.

On a personal level, though there are times when someone intends to offend you (that is another study, based on Matt 18:7), most of the time people do not mean to hurt you. So what should you do? Recall all the good things that the offending person has done. Dwell on those things and not on the unintended blunders borne out of weakness, or ignorance, or just a bad day! In this way, you are releasing the one who has offended you, and imparting grace to him or her. Not only that, Jesus says you will be blessed. Well amen to that!

If we look around we will probably see the rubble and debris around us that symbolize offenses. As I see it, you again have a choice. You may decide to go around and collect them, then build them into a wall. Some people even take it to the next level; they collect other’s offenses too. If you really work hard at it, you might even have a fortress when you are done! Too bad they don’t know that by the time they are done, they are the only ones living there.

Or of course you can throw the debris in the rubble heap over the cliff. This is the choice to not only forgive (release) another, but to forget. That’s two goats: one to forgive, the other to send away into the wilderness (Lev 16:7-10). You’d be surprised at how good it becomes to walk or run or play in these kinds of fields. No rubble! No tripping and stubbing toes! Some people even take it to the next level; they start clearing the rubble of the people around them. This is when it really gets fun. Why, you can even raise a banner over this area, such as was prophesied by Isaiah nearly 3000 years ago:

Go through, go through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people;
Build up, build up the highway!
Take out the stones,
Lift up a banner for the peoples! 62:10

You know what the banner says? “Offense-free Zone”. Let’s raise it for all to see.

Perfect Timing


Nathan arrived early Christmas morning. In the weeks before Christmas we were never sure if he was going to be able to make it. With Anna and Liz coming all the way from America, it just didn’t seem right that he wouldn’t be able to make it.

God is always on time.

We went to Hong Kong, Joyce and I along with the four oldest kids, to take care of a number of things related to our status before they all had to go back to schools and work. The last evening, from 10PM til 4:30AM we laughed and cried, we reminisced and we dreamed. His Presence was so real as we closed our time in prayer only hours before we would scatter to the four winds.

I turned my face Chinaward. Visiting our campus workers and their on-fire college student converts in GZ. Visiting our pioneering House Church partners over Sour Fish Head Soup to press in to God’s heart and to each other’s to chart our course for reaching another village, another people group. Visiting church leaders to plan for more advanced training, of stockpiling the tools and weapons they need, of mobilizing more workers, of raising up the next generation. Visiting team members in the border areas, reaching refugees, coordinating efforts to reach a city, a region, with revival in the air.

This blog should have been SPREAD OUT over many individual messages. But alas it is my first try. Take it as a China buffet, not a set meal.

I chose perfect timing because I could point to situation after situation in these few weeks where the timing could not have been better. I know, it should not surprise us that His timing would be perfect. And yet I always seems to come that way: surprising, fresh, unique. If we expected the things He does, we would not live in a constant state of awe. And yet it is His nature to stay perpetually novel–that our hearts may be primed to thanksgiving, and drawn to worship.

My last day in China I received an urgent document from overseas to take care of a pressing need, received back my passport with updated one year visa which was supposed to have come days earlier, and had a divine appointment which could change the course of one aspect of our work for years and years to come.

Did I just say that God is always on time?

Oh yes, I leave for our annual retreat tomorrow, beginning with our leadership meetings. Earlier this week I was asked to review a book written by our friend Bob Sorge. Its subject is exactly what we are covering during our conference, and has served to perfectly supplement and fill out my thoughts about what to share.

God has perfect timing.

Please be in prayer with us that not only HIS timing will be perfect, but ours will be as well. Pray we would be in tune with His heart, and in step with His Spirit. Amen.