Wisdom 2.0

“They were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke….” Acts 6:10

Jackie Pullinger came to Hong Kong from England as a missionary in 1966 at the age of 22. She moved into the lawless, gang-infested Walled City and all these years the Lord has used her mightily to reach thousands of prostitutes, drug addicts, homeless, and gang members. The rehabilitation rates for hardcore addicts, which includes praying for them to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, proved so much more successful than similar government programs that they donated land to Jackie and her team to operate her rehab centres. The wisdom God gave her (along with faith and courage!) has given her a legendary testimony, numerous accolades, and brought much glory to the Lord.

Supernatural wisdom, anointed/creative ideas, downloads of solutions to complex problems, are all things we should expect when the Holy Spirit comes upon us (Is 11:2). A few examples of standout wisdom from Scripture deserve mentioning:
• Joseph’s interpretation of dreams (esp Pharaoh’s) and then overseeing the food distribution during seven years of famine for Egypt and surrounding nations.
• David assuming command of Saul’s army despite having no training and only being a youth. 1 Sam 18:5 says it is because he “behaved wisely”.
• Solomon’s wisdom was so acclaimed “men of all nations, from all the kings of the earth came to hear” his wisdom and see its effects on his rule.
• Daniel and his young, exiled friends were ten times wiser than all the counsellors and advisors who served the King of Babylon.
• When Stephen addressed the crowds and the Sanhedrin, he spoke with such wisdom “they were not able to resist” him. They concluded stoning him was the only way to keep him from impacting countless people in Jerusalem and beyond.

As amazing these examples are, it’s time to prepare for an upgrade. The OS of the last days church is about to go through a major overhaul. Jesus warned that signs will precede His second coming–earthquakes, wars, pandemics, etc. In the midst of great confusion and perplexity, He says: “I will give you a mouth of wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict” (Lk 21:15). He adds there is no need to worry about how to answer people: “Simply be confident and allow the Spirit of Wisdom access to your heart, and in that very moment he will reveal what you are to say to them” (Lk 12:12 TPT).

It gets better. When the angel Gabriel spoke to Zacharias before John’s birth, he spoke of three “turnings” that will mark the days in which we now live (Lk 1:16-17). The first is something we all greatly anticipate: the turning “of the children of Israel to the Lord their God.” The second is the turning of the hearts of the fathers to the children, signalling a restoring of the families of the faithful in otherwise savage times. Finally, Gabriel says the disobedient (insubordinate, unruly, rebellious) are going to turn “to the wisdom of the just”.

In other words, men of every background will come to us as they came to Solomon because they will be astounded that we are able to solve knotty conflicts or destructive crises through insights that only God can give. Like Sheba, a pagan, they will return all the praise and glory to the Lord our God. We can expect such flashes of brilliance among us that people who have been radically opposed to God’s ways—the “disobedient”–will have Nebuchadnezzar-type encounters with the Him, and proclaim: “Wo, boy, how’d you go ‘n figure that out? Ain’t no one gonna do dat ‘less the Big Guy upstairs shows ‘em how!” (Dan 2:47 KAG).

If the Holy Spirit is about to make us ten times wiser than the peers in our fields, I want in! In fact, knowing this ought to generate an earth-shattering, collective cry ascending to the highest heavens during our personal devotions, our services, in our cells, and from our family altars. If Jesus is about to open up the spigots and fountains of supernatural wisdom, it’s time to get in line with our buckets! Then the thirsty among the nations, including those we least expect–from drug lords in the streets to Nebuchadnezzars in palaces—will come running to us to drink.

The last great harvest will be two directional. First, God is raising up scores of Jackies who will GO in simple obedience to Christ’s command to take His message “into all the world”. We can expect that they will have access to more and more wisdom as they go, and as the time of His appearing nears. Secondly, wherever we are, as we interpret the world’s dreams or get revelations downloaded to us of how to solve quagmires that stump experts, we are going to see the multitudes COME from all directions to us for answers. Then they’re going to get saved out of every tongue, tribe, and nation. Zechariah the prophet says it this way:

“Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘In those days ten men from every language of the nations shall grasp the sleeves of God’s people, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”’”
Zech 8:23

A Clean Slate

There are two theories for the origins of the idiom “a clean slate”, which means to be given a fresh start, an opportunity to begin again with no strikes against you. The first refers to a time when slates were used to tabulate orders when a party came into a tavern for food and drinks. It was subsequently and literally “wiped clean” when the patrons paid their “bill” in full. 

The second theory is something I am quite familiar with. When I was young, our school blackboards (made of the stone, i.e. slate) were cursorily erased but still dusty and smudged throughout the week. But by Monday morning we came to class to find they had all been wiped clean—shiny and like new. 

My year began with a clear message from Is 54:1, “Sing, O barren one!” Not only did it set the tone for my year, little did I know that this chapter would keep coming back to me like a ping pong ball these many months—through sermons, prophecies, as well as the promptings of the Holy Spirit. 

A few days ago God again led me to Is 54 as a question reverberated inside me: What chapter does this follow? I knew instantly. This is the chapter graphically portraying our crucified Savior, “smitten by God, and afflicted”, bearing our griefs and being wounded for us. Then I heard the Lord say, the riches I have for you in Isaiah 54 are unearthed because of 53. 

To fully appreciate what it took for a barren woman to sing, let us consider how worthless a childless woman felt in ancient times. She harbored rejection, imagining herself accursed and socially marooned. Take Sarah as an example. In her pain, she suggested the unimaginable—Abraham, “go in to my maid”! Oh how she regretted such a brainless decision when Hagar ridiculed and despised her following the birth of Ishmael. 

As Isaiah’s “barren woman” is told to “enlarge the place of her tent” to make room for the children she will soon raise, God makes it clear he intends to restore more than just her womb. The bruises and stripes of the Man of sorrows, himself despised (Is 53:5,3), are applied to deeper scars:

“Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed;

Neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame;

For you will forget the shame of your youth,

And will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore.”

Oh the ocean of mercy contained in this one verse! The Holy Spirit shows that He understands every excruciating emotion infertility had caused. He knows the fears. He knows the disgrace and public humiliation, the sense of alienation and abandonment. The Hebrew is rich here, using three distinct words for shame to describe the crippling impact each dimension has on the human heart. Every soul-wound is completely healed in the cross, once and for all. 

As I studied and meditated on these words, I was undone for a time. As I considered the scourging, the crimson thorned brow, the penetration of spikes crushing the bones of His feet, I could only worship. 

Beloved, survey this scene with me! Let the wonder of what our Lover and Lord has done for us sink in as the nails did that day. Lift afresh the bread and cup of Communion. In the shadow of Calvary’s bloodied beams, all fears, contempt, mocking, and shame in all its forms—all the pain we have carried unwittingly in our barrenness—is, like those old tavern slates, wiped completely clean. Paid in full. 

It’s time to break forth into song. 

A Future and a Hope

“I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jer 29:11 NIV

This is one of the most loved and frequently quoted verses of the Old Testament. And well it should be! It contains one of the greatest messages of all times–a message which is worth shouting from the rooftops. It’s a message the world desperately needs to hear in our day. And the Church is like the only legitimate, exclusive, and authorized dealer of this priceless commodity. I’m speaking of hope.

A little context will serve to magnify the beauty and force of Jeremiah’s words. Israel was facing a holocaust-like moment, one for which its very survival was hanging in the balance. Whole towns had been emptied of their citizens–bereft, pillaged, and set ablaze by marauding, Babylonian hordes. Overnight, countless thousands in Judah lost everything—homes, lands, livelihoods, security, freedom. Exiled on the banks of the river in Babylon, the psalmist poignantly penned these unforgettable verses that unmasked their despair:

“There we sat down, yea, we wept

When we remembered Zion.
We hung our harps
Upon the willows in the midst of it.
For there those who carried us away
Captive asked of us a song
And those who plundered
Us requested mirth,
Saying, ‘Sing us one of the songs of Zion!’”
Ps 137:1-3

Languished and perplexed, the captives huddled hand-to-mouth under the moping willows until one day a letter arrived from Jeremiah, the man of God. Perhaps expecting it contained more gloom or brimstone decrees, a swell of exhilaration must have swept through the camp as despondency gave way to anticipation. The Word of the Lord exhorts us to build houses, plant gardens, to marry and have sons and daughters. God has not forgotten us! Here in this foreign land, yes, even here, the Prophet says God is executing an extraordinary plan to restore and redeem, even to prosper us! He’s been holding us in His heart the whole time! Break out the tambourines!

Since the pandemic, counselling services around the world have been inundated with a landslide of new clients. Divorce and suicide rates have peaked to all-time highs. Mental illness has crept out of the shadows in our world, unexpectedly taking the podium at the Tokyo Olympics, but also manifesting among our colleagues and neighbors. Lockdowns may have dammed COVID’s onslaught only to open the floodgates to a dozen other scourges.

Without a doubt world is shaking, reeling to and fro like a drunkard (Is 24:19-20). But we, the Bride of Christ, hold the key to prosperity and peace. Our feet are planted on the Rock. Unlike those without Christ, our circumstances do not define us. The proliferation of confusion and uncertainty will never take us captive. God’s Letter has come to us instructing us to lift up our heads, our hearts, our hands. Build! Plant! Multiply! God’s got plans for you—good plans, and lots of them!

We all go through times when we are tempted to hang our harps upon the willows. But at the end of the day, we have to know who we are. We’re the people of God! We are His chosen, His redeemed, His beloved! If someone tries to carry us away and mockingly ask us to sing one of the songs of Zion, we’ll just reach up, grab our instruments with a wink and say, “Great idea. Which one?!”

Establish Me, O God!

“So David knew that the Lord had established him as king over Israel, and that He had exalted His kingdom for the sake of His people.”  2 Sam 5:12

There are many qualities about David that contribute to him being one of my heroes. I love that he was a worshiper. I love that he was quick to humble himself. When confronted for wrongdoing, he didn’t try to justify himself but confessed and quickly turned from his sin. He was loyal to his friends. There was also this unwavering sense of security that he exhibited in the face of enemies, turmoil, and uncertainty. 

At this time of his life, David had been anointed to be Israel’s king many years previously and had already reigned over the tribe of Judah for seven years. But as he begins to rule over the whole house of Israel, a dramatic shift takes place in his mindset. From this time onward, he operates from a place of strength. He exudes confidence. He is not perturbed or made fearful by things that had once seemed overwhelming. What happened?

For insight, there are two words used to describe David’s state of mind that I would like to hone in on. The first, translated “knew”, is from the Hebrew word yada which means intimate knowledge; a knowing that comes by one’s senses, or by experience. It is the word used in Gen 4:1, “Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived.” The combination of three events that took place in 2 Samuel 5:1-11 had frankly raised him to another level in the Spirit. They were:

  1. The leaders of all twelve tribes of Israel gathered and pledged their allegiance to David. They quoted prophecy that had been spoken over him, “You shall shepherd my people”, and anointed him afresh. 
  2. David took the stronghold of Zion. Though it had resisted incursion for more than 400 years and had been seemingly impregnable, he took it decisively. 
  3. Hiram, the pagan King of Tyre, sent the highest quality provisions and professionals to build a beautiful palace for David to live in. 

The second operative word is “established” from the Hebrew kun. It means: to be made steadfast and secure(d); to be fully furnished and provided for; made firm and ready. David illustrates the meaning of this word in one of his famous Psalms when he says that God had brought him out of a horrible pit and out of miry clay, setting his feet on a rock and establishing his steps (Ps 40:2). David has received a deep assurance that God Himself had been behind all of these miraculous and substantial interventions. Leaders had “established” him. Conquest had “established” him. Peer regents had “established” him. Taken by themselves, David would certainly have felt strengthened. But, in combination, he became supernaturally impregnated with the knowledge that God Himself was the One who was orchestrating it all, working to fully furnish and provide for him–yes, to establish him. As it had been for Eve carrying Cain, the “baby” of this truth had been conceived in the  womb of his spirit. 

Bible school diplomas cannot give you this. Ministry success cannot give you this. Public recognition cannot give you this. Prophesies that “read your mail” cannot give you this. All these things are meant to contribute to your knowledge (yada) that God Himself has established (kun) you in your unique calling. Don’t let the craziness of this world drive you crazy; let it drive you to press in to God to obtain the access keys to this download. Whatever it takes! You will most certainly look back and say, “Wow, was that worth it!”. 

I believe God wants us to experience a shift in our mindsets. He wants to take us to another level in the Spirit. He wants us to operate from a place of strength. This means that God wants us to follow David’s example and become pregnant with confidence. A reeling world needs us to show them there is a Rock to stand on. Shaking peoples—neighbors, colleagues, people in our communities–are looking for a shelter to run to. In this hour, as You again exalt Your kingdom before Your return, do it again Lord—for the sake of Your people!

Sure, there may be hordes of “Philistines” deploying in the valley around the next bend in the road (v.17-18); but we’ll face them knowing they will “doubtless” be delivered into our hand (v.19). Let us enter the fray knowing the Lord has gone out before us to strike down our foes (v.24). Join me in crying out to the Father: Establish us, O God!

Cultivating a “Tinder” Heart

“In the eighth year of his reign…he began to seek the God of his father David, and…purge Judah and Jerusalem.” 2 Chr 34:3

Before it became the world’s most popular dating app, tinder was associated with flammable material that could easily combust and ignite a fire. Spiritually speaking, as God prepares to set His people ablaze, His eyes run to and fro throughout the earth looking for tinder among us. 2650 years ago in Judah, God’s eyes fell upon a young king named Josiah who would usher in one of the greatest renewals the nation ever saw. Josiah reinstituted the Passover, something no King of Israel had done before him, and he purged all the abominations in all the country…and made all who were present in Israel diligently serve the Lord their God” (2 Chr 34:33). Simply put, God raised up Josiah as a catalyst of revival.

God is about to move again. As He does, His eyes are scanning the earth for tinder! What exactly was it about Josiah that caught God’s attention?

First, he began to diligently pursue the Lord. This was deliberate and focused seeking. He came to a point where he set distractions aside. Important matters paled compared to the sense of urgency he felt as he pressed into God. Desperation is necessary kindling for every move of God.

A central feature of Josiah’s seeking was to know how “the God of his father David” had moved in the past. Finney studied Edwards. Seymore and Roberts studied Finney and Edwards. The Latter Rain leaders of 1948 researched the early Pentecostal outpourings, and subsequent revivals have always sought diligently to unstop the wells of revival opened by the awakenings of past generations. They knew that the treasures of wise householders mined from the old even as they are run after the new.

I’ve been extraordinarily blessed to come from a rich revival tradition. Some of my spiritual mothers and fathers were central figures in that Latter Rain Movement. I was saved and filled with the Holy Spirit at the height of the Charismatic Renewal. I personally drank from the sweet waters of the Toronto Blessing and the Brownsville Revival. I laughed for hours at Rodney Howard-Brown meetings. As good as each of these were, none can compare with the miracle- and presence-filled revival I experienced intensely and first-hand in China. Talk about power-encounters! Those days defy description. Heaven came down. Souls were saved in droves. The blind saw, the deaf heard, the lame walked.

Josiah’s hunger was rewarded. He “discovered” the Book of the Law. It had been there in the temple all along, but as is always the case whenever God’s Spirit is poured out, Josiah trembled as he was confronted with the Word of God. “Thus it happened, when the king heard the words of the Law, that he tore his clothes” (34:19). The Word broke him and called into account everything he had been doing. Worship practices were reformed across the land. A national Passover was instituted. God’s Word brought transformative change. Whenever God pours out His Spirit on a people, you’ll know it because they won’t be able to get enough of the Law of God.

Enter the Prophetess Huldah. She had most certainly been interceding for this day! The wife of a wardrobe-keeper who lived in an obscure part of the city in a male dominated age, Huldah had been promoted in the eyes of the people. Everyone knew…this woman has the Word of the Lord! Her voice pierced like a sharpened sword directing all eyes and ears to the key that had opened the heart of this sixteen-year-old king now responsible for a great visitation in Israel. Huldah says:
“Because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God…” (34:27)

God is about to do a new thing. People around the world are talking about it. Many are devouring books and articles about the Evan Roberts and Wigglesworth, about Azusa Street and the legacies left by the awakenings of past generations. Expectations are reaching a boiling point. Watchmen are taking their places upon the walls. A cry is ascending. Bones are rattling.

Our forests bare the scars of scorched woods from ancient burnings. To walk here is to be struck by the cracking sounds of dry branches snapping underfoot. God walks here as in the Garden of old, His to-and-fro gaze searching for Josiahs. These have cast all other cares aside, bent on witnessing the God who has moved so gloriously in past times to do it again. They are no longer content to snack on the Word; the are discovering anew that they live by every Word that comes from this Law.

If Huldah was here, her unsheathed words would be pointing at those who are diligently humbling themselves before the Father–whose hearts, like Josiah, are being tenderized in order to embrace the next mighty move of the God of fire and a God on fire. This forest will burn again to become a mighty torrent of flames across the lands. Tender is tinder. May He find the combustibles He needs to set this forest ablaze in your heart and mine.

Is Science Terminally Ill?

I have just finished reading a book from which I quote below called Heretic. The timing of my read coincided with one of the most public and harmful indictments upon the scientific community that the world has seen in recent memory: the Coronavirus Wuhan lab hoax. Both the news and the book present a perspective that only a few years ago I had very little awareness of; namely that there is a collusion and corruption that is at work which undermines the credibility of the mainstream science community as a whole. I use the word mainstream very intentionally here, because the same indictment could similarly be levelled against the media establishment. Let me explain.

The common denominator in both the media and science spheres is that neither is any longer invested in truth seeking. Outcomes, whether conceived in laboratories or newsrooms, are predetermined and pre-approved. They are pursued and then judged, not on the basis of fact, but primarily for two reasons: to support ideology or guarantee ongoing profitability. Facts in these worlds are either massaged to align themselves with narratives that are uncompromisingly adhered to, or suppressed and ignored when they are considered to be a departure from “orthodoxy”. And this is not a passive stand. Truth can be so inconvenient that it can be deemed a threat, leaving these communities with a penchant for maligning and perverting truth when it gets in their way.

So two cases in point which are windows into these corrupt practices are the Steele Dossier which was carefully crafted then coordinated with other “partners” to give the false impression that there was corroboration of the story when there was none (the same could be said of the Nick Sandmann/Covington School narrative and many, many others); and there is the spate of emails being released about Dr Fauci and other science “experts” in their campaign to cover up the evidence pointing to coronavirus being genetically altered.

These perversions can poison elections (which in turn affect everything that occurs afterwards) as was the fallout from the media/big tech cabal’s scandalous meddling; or they can poison the whole range of scientific research and enquiry, as is the case with mafia-like stranglehold that evolutionists have on “heretics” like Leisola, Witt, Behe, Meyers, and so many others who are outstanding intellects in their disciplines. Tragically, though their research truly follows the science, by challenging the blatantly false and irrational tenets of the zealots in the science establishment, they are left out standing in their fields (pun intended)–stigmatized, patronized and unfunded.

Heretic was the perfect name for this book. One gets the feeling the “bishops” on the evolution side would not hesitate to tar-and-feather ID (Intelligent Design) scum if they could find a way to do it without getting caught. Still, their shamings and banishments and lynchings outside lecture halls have kept “detractors” mostly hamstrung until now. This despite the mountain of evident in support of ID proponent’s theories and a landslide of contradictions and blackholes directed at their own. Leisola represents an existential threat to their (money) vaulted resistance. From institutes to institutions, educators and even education itself, there is a multiverse of people who stand to lose from the slightest admission that what is Undeniable (see book by Douglas Axe) as evidence is in fact true.

Worldview Footprint?

Scientists do not function without worldview commitments, and their worldview easily affects the interpretation of their research results. These interpretations can and often will influence the worldviews of the members of the society. Viktor Frankl was a professor in the medical faculty of Vienna. As a Jew he was sent to one of Nazi Germany’s concentration camps, Auschwitz, but survived. Frankl was “absolutely convinced that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared not in some Ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at the desks and in the lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.” The Nazi regime did not force scientists to work for them but “many scientists voluntarily oriented their work to fit the regime’s policies—as a way of getting money… Most researchers, it turns out, seem to have regarded the regime not as a threat, but as an opportunity for their research ambitions” (“Uncomfortable Truths,” Nature 434, no. 7034). Professor Ernst Haeckel had already, before the First World War, laid the foundation for the Nazis’ racist views, which were generally accepted by the science community. The father of Finnish genetics, Harry Federley, corresponded with Haeckel. He embraced racism and lectured in the world’s first Eugenics Institute in Sweden. In Finland Federley pushed through the sterilization laws for criminals and the mentally handicapped. The laws were in force till 1970.
Haeckel and Federley were monists (matter is the only reality) and had an enormous influence on society (Jahresbuch Europäisches Wissenschaftskultur 2005, 1:1). The shadow of their worldview hangs still above our culture. It was recently expressed in the school shootings (Kauhava and Jokela) where the motive was the principle of natural selection to eliminate the despised. The shooters were victims of the teachings of our culture. Young people tend to be more radical (the word comes from Latin and means going to the root) and function on the basis of their beliefs. Luckily, not all naturalists are that consistent. We rarely think that as university teachers we have to bear the responsibility of the worldview we communicate to students. But the university law obliges us to educate the youth to serve homeland and humanity. Therefore we teachers should recognize the faith commitments of our own worldviews and be careful how we communicate them to students. Fifteen years ago a teacher gave me an essay of a 15-year-old boy: “I studied science journals and formulated a solid worldview for myself. There is no God, no spirit, no meaning. It does not matter if I die now or after fifty years.” It is frightening to think that my own teaching might leave this kind of a footprint and even more frightening to think where it might lead.

Leisola, Matti; Witt, Jonathan. Heretic: One Scientist’s Journey from Darwin to Design (pp. 214-215). Discovery Institute Press. Kindle Edition.

A Battery of Tests

“If I find favor in the eyes of the Lord, He will bring me back.” 2 Sam 15:25

I got an A, Dad! Few things bring a broader smile to a parent than this announcement following the late nights and cram sessions at the close of a semester. For our kids who have been through the Singapore school system, it seems you’ve hardly taken a bow for one job well-done and the pressure is already building for the next jarring series of exams.

Maybe God helped to write the curriculum! If your walk with Him has been anything like mine, you’ve noticed you are either just breathing a sigh over one completed test or you’re staring down the barrel at the next. You also might think you’ve been sitting for your present exam much too long. You look around: the room cleared out long ago, the air conditioning has been shut off and you’re left sitting alone in the dark! We all feel like this at times.

Truth is, without tests growth and results suffer. We fall prey to complacency. Without regular KPI’s, we settle for mediocrity. You’re not likely to keep your job long as a salesman if you only intend to sell your product. And that means even if you have dozens of instagram posts highlighting bright ideas how to do it!

One of the lessons we learn from David’s life is that God loves to test the ones He loves. Nearly any chapter from his life could serve to illustrate this, but I was particularly struck this week by all the hits David took during the period when his own son, Prince Absalom, rebelled.

Talk about rapid fire! As Absalom schemes, the conspiracy grows bigger by the minute: David’s Secretary of State, Chief of Staff, and the head of the Department of Defense all join the opposition. David abdicates, and as he does each person he meets during his flight were huge tests themselves. Would Ittai the Gittite and his six hundred men risk all for this weakened king-turned-fugitive? Would Zadok and Abiathar the priests follow David, precariously bearing the ark of God into the wilderness? What should be done with Ziba of the house of Saul, or rock-throwing, curse-hurling Shimei. Would Mephibosheth and Hushai remain loyal? Would people like Barzillai step up and provide sustenance for the growing number in David’s shelterless and hungry horde?

While it’s tempting to become hardened and defensive at times like this, David chose to humble himself and seek opportunities to grow through it. As we see from this verse, “if I find favor…He will bring me back”, his focus was on the Lord, fully trusting God to guide him through extremely confusing and dangerous predicaments.

I wonder if my first impulse would have been to cast blame—to grow bitter and retaliate. Would I have become obsessed with Absalom or the injustice of it all. Would I have thrown a pity party or fallen into a quagmire of “Why’s?” Not David. He made a beeline for a mountain summit—the first stop on his escape route—where “he worshiped God” (2 Sam 15:32). This choice, the decision to look at and for God in the midst of excruciating loss and threats upon his life, kept David from instinctively drawing his sword against a lowlife like Shimei. David realized God was watching, yes, testing him:
“It may be that the Lord will look on my affliction, and that the Lord will repay me with good for his cursing this day.” 2 Sam 16:12.

We think about repaying our enemies; David thought about being repaid by God. A carnal David would have used his authority to punish Shimei for his insolence. But the spiritual man knows that God is always looking for His likeness to be reflected in the hearts of those who love Him. The ill-prepared reacts in the flesh when trials come. But the wise man responds by the Spirit.

David wasn’t perfect. He got snookered by Ziba. But I am quite confident he earned a broad smile from his Father for passing his Absalom test with flying colors.

The Power of A Half-Truth

“Now the children of Israel heard someone say, ‘Behold, the children of Reuben…Gad…Manasseh have built and altar…’ the whole congregation of the children of Israel gathered together at Shiloh to go to war against them.” Jos 22:11,12

Satan does not need a blatant lie to work his dastardly ways. Often a partial truth is enough. Once we are alerted he has this very effective weapon in his arsenal, we must stay vigilant to guard against the proliferation of “fake news” that can easily snowball into an avalanche of destruction.

Such was the case in the waning days of Joshua. In fact, this should have been a time for celebration. Following a chastising 40-years of wandering in the wilderness, Israel had crossed the Jordan River ready to leave centuries of slavery behind. They were poised to take possession of the territories God had designated by covenantal promise to mighty Abraham and his descendants forever.

Though not perfectly executed, Jos 21:44 declares “the Lord gave them rest all around”. Their enemies had been denuded and silenced. Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh were released from their commitment to help their brethren secure their inheritances which lay on the Western side of the Jordan. As they returned to their allotted territories on the Eastern side, they constructed an altar of thanksgiving and remembrance for all that the Lord had done. Sounds harmless, right?

That is, until someone suggested the altar may be used for sacrifices in violation of the priestly systems and authority established by Moses. Someone was overheard saying something…and before long, an insidious rumor had taken wing. Driven by dark forces, suspicions quickly turned to indignation. Caution, like tumbleweeds, barreled ominously across the landscape to the drumbeats of war in their wake. Only decisive action by tempered leaders averted a bloodbath among brothers.

These words are a timeless admonition—as though blared from the mouth of an ancient trumpet. May we never succumb to the power of a half-truth.


“The children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem and took it.” Josh 19:47

My natural disposition is of one who avoids conflict. When our family took a personality profile test together and the result was I was a “Peacemaker”, my kids all echoed “that’s you, dad!”.

This does not give me an excuse for being passive or refusing to take up a matter that requires attention any more than being poor is an excuse for stealing. I cannot negotiate or rationalize away my responsibilities because they are inconvenient or intimidating. Sometimes, we just have to “take up the sword, and fight”.

When Joshua led the children of Israel across the River Jordan, each tribe was given an allotted inheritance for which they would need to confront corrupt and entrenched native inhabitants. Only by displacing these nations could God establish Israel under His rule and execute His Divine plan. During the rollout, tribes responded differently. Some obeyed; some did not. Some took risks; others shrunk back and justified their tepid responses.

The responses of two tribes in particular recently caught my attention. Joseph’s tribe (split up into Ephraim and Manasseh) claimed to be a “great people” (Jos 18:14ff) who proved to be wimps. They came to Joshua to complain that the inheritance they were given was too small. Their mentality was classic entitlement. They felt they deserved more. They believed they had been given the short end of the stick. The Canaanites they faced were obviously more powerful than the other tribes’ enemies; theirs had chariots of iron!

Joshua’s response was masterful. He basically says, “well, if you are such a great people, why don’t you get up there and clear that forest and make a wonderful district for more of you to live in?” They wanted everything to be handed to them on a silver platter, so they did nothing. Sadly, many Christians have exactly this kind of mindset today.

A chapter later (Jos 19:40-48) the tribe of Dan exhibits a totally different spirit. Far from passive or entitled, after Dan had settled into its allotted territory west of Jerusalem on the Mediterranean coast, they organized for battle 250 kilometers north, determined to take the city of Laish (or Leshem), a region originally given to Manasseh. Jos 19:47 says: “they struck it with the edge of the sword, took possession of it, and dwelt in it.” They then proceeded to change its name to Dan, in honor of their forefather, as if to make a further declaration: This region is now ours. We fought for it, and God has made it our inheritance forever.

Leshem was in fact a gateway city and transportation hub on Israel’s northern border with the hostile Assyrians, and later the Babylonians. Manasseh had refused to claim their inheritance, but Dan would not be intimidated. Old Jacob had prophesied over Dan nearly 500 years earlier that he would: “be a snake by the roadside, a viper along the path, that bites the horse’s heals so that its rider tumbles backwards”(Gen 49:17). This act, then, was the tribe of Dan taking hold of its prophetic destiny. How many of Israel’s enemies would be turned back at the border because of this courageous act? How many would get bit and “tumble backwards”?

God is speaking to us today through this story. We must know who we are. We must take bold steps to walk in our prophetic calling. We must resist the temptation to follow in the way of Ephraim and Manasseh, expecting things to be handed to us without having to work for them. Instead, may we be like Dan, a people who were not content to simply occupy, but were willing to contend for the more, and the best, of what God has ordained for them.


“There was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days…but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.” Ex 10:22-23

We underestimate the power of the covenant God has sealed with us through the shed blood of the Lamb to our own hurt. During this holy week, as we reflect upon the events surrounding the single most profound act in all history, I am compelled to recount the glorious benefits of the cross revealed in the very first Passover. In particular, I will highlight the concept of separation that was a major theme then and will once again play a central role in the days before Jesus’ return (cf. IS 60:1-3). 

In the leadup to that fateful night, we find God was honoring His covenant in numerous ways. Despite intense affliction, the population of God’s people multiplied dramatically. Remarkably, “the Hebrew women [were] not like the Egyptian women”, giving birth “vigorously”, quickly, and safely even before the midwives could get there (Ex 1:19). 

As judgment fell on Egypt, as plague after plague bombarded the land, the mercy of God prevented the swarms of gnats and locusts, the curses of the frogs and boils, and the pelting of the hail from marauding God’s favored ones. He vowed: “I will deal differently with the land of Goshen where my people live…so that you will know that I, the Lord, am in this land. I will make a distinction between my people and your people…” (Ex 8:22-23). 

Although the covenant was freely available to all of Jacob’s seed, and yet “every man shall take for himself a lamb” (Ex 12:3). Appropriating the blessings was not automatic. Each man had to select and slaughter an unblemished lamb and apply the blood to the doorposts and lintel of his home in order to be afforded defense from the destroyer who came to strike all the firstborn in the land. While piercing screams of grief echoed from street to square as the angel of death passed over Egypt, the Hebrews slept peacefully in preparation for their long-awaited escape from bondage at the break of dawn. 

The flight would have been short-lived if God had not intervened yet again with the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. As Pharaoh’s chariot-borne army hotly pursued the fleeing Israelites, God erected an impregnable hedge around them. Scripture records: The cloud gave light to the Israelites, but made it dark for the Egyptians, and during the night they could not come any closer” (Ex 14:20). Hours later, when the army attempted to pursue Moses’ horde into the parted Sea, the final and most dramatic separation occurs when the waters which had walled up for the Hebrews collapsed to annihilate every soldier and beast not divinely garrisoned by the great I AM. 

The exodus saga convincingly reveals God as a Master in the art of separation. So much more than a grand Sunday school tale, we who are wise are brought face to face with one of the timeless truths that will keep us–His children, the benefactors of His covenant–confident and courageous as thick darkness once again covers the earth in the Last Days. 

Beloved, we are like 21st century Goshenites. As adversity pummelled and perplexed the Egyptians, the region where the Israelites lived was under a huge canopy of protection. As Pharaoh’s heart grew harder and resistance intensified, God “multiplied [His] signs and wonders in the land” (Ex 7:3) through the faith and persistence of His servant Moses. As sin and wickedness abounded in Egypt, grace was magnified upon Goshen all the more. Plagues, pestilences, disasters all wreaked havoc on the shadowless homes of those who did not believe while the lamps continued to burn brightly inside the dwellings of those whose doorframes were sprinkled with redemption blood. As darkness thickened into gross darkness, as it had been for the Hebrew children standing at the brink on the Sea’s shore, so shall it be for us who have fortuitously been grafted into God’s covenant with Abraham. The Sun of Righteousness shall arise upon us. 

There is restoration and refreshment in His wings. Our church is a sign of this separation promise: not a single case of COVID has been recorded among our more than five thousand members. God had marked His people throughout their legendary sojourn out of bondage and into their destiny. Now, as this sanctified people looked back at bodies strewn next to swords, armor, and broken chariots upon the shores of the Red Sea, an outline of a seventy-palm-tree-oasis came into focus on the horizon before them. As the blood of the Passover Lamb had purchased their salvation, God affirmed one last covenant by-His-stripes benefit as they dipped their tired feet in pools of water underneath sunset painted skies at the end of that very long day. He said:

            “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight…I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.” Ex 15:26

Have a Joyous Passover, and Happy Easter.