“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves…” Matt 7:15
The youngest of four brothers and the son of a Mom whose antics and seam-busting humor are off-the-charts, we always came up with the craziest costumes for Halloween. Anything was fair game. One of the classic outfits was our rendition of Porky Pig, where we brandished my dad’s one-piece insulated underware and stuffed as many pillows into the arms, legs, and belly as possible,—gorged to the point of almost being immobile—complete with a decorated hanger for a curly tale. Neck down, we resembled Baymax more than Porky.
There are certain times and places where it’s appropriate to wear a costume: Halloween, Mardi Gras, Themed or Frat Parties, or certain kinds of Balls or Carnivals. Church is not one of them. And yet, it’s freakishly common to meet a sheep, or even a shepherd, who is in fact a cleverly disguised wolf.
Scripture is replete with charlatan types. These masqueraders are “spots and blemishes, carousing in their own deceptions while they feast with you…enticing unstable souls” (2 Pet 2). Paul warned of imposters and preachers who peddled the Word for profit. In Jesus’ letters to the seven churches in Revelation He warns of hucksters, even of a “Jezebel” in the church who used her influence to “seduce My servants to commit sexual sins” (Rev 2:20).
Prophets of old spoke of corrupt and self-seeking “shepherds” who “slaughter the sheep and feel no guilt; those who sell them [and] say ‘Blessed by the Lord, for I am rich’” (Zech 11:4). A similar and lengthy indictment is the main theme in Ezekiel 34. Eerily, the conditions described are ancient, and yet portend an Apocalyptic scenario being played before our very eyes. Jesus of course called for extreme caution in his discourse on the End Times, opening with this unnerving warning: “At that time deception will run rampant. So beware that you are not fooled!” (Mt 24:4 TPT)
Satan is conniving, dastardly, and relentless. He is singularly focused, directing the legions of darkness he commands towards our destruction. Rev 12:15’s imagery is shiver-inducing: “the dragon spewed from his mouth a raging river of water to sweep [us] away with the flood” (TPT). So what are we to do?
Jesus said “Beware!”, “Take heed!” The admonition is really twofold. On the one hand, we are to be vigilant, continuously watchful, on guard. That’s walking through the forest at dusk and hearing a growl kind of alertness. That’s DEFCON 2, not simply under threat, but combat-ready, as though war could break out at any moment kind of preparedness.
The second aspect is discerning. It’s skillful perception—clear-eyed, Spirit imbued discretion and enhanced detection capabilities all rolled into one. It’s the ability to tell right from wrong, truth from falsehood, to make wise decisions followed by decisive action. It’s Riding Hood deftly spotting Granny’s big teeth and straightaway bolting for the door.
Natural, physical realities are often a reflection of spiritual realities. As God has raised up secular leaders to uproot graft and unbridled corruption along with those who have committed these things, it is a sign and summons to the Church to expose and purge all manner of perversion being practiced in our ranks. DOGE has even given us a leg up. Among the NGOs that have facilitated illegal immigration (with its gangs and criminals, drugs and trafficking), those who have profited most are Catholic Charities and numerous “Evangelical” non-profits*. Like Ezekiel or Peter, pretenders and scammers must be called out.
A culture of cover-up and lack of accountability, of playing and scheming the system has been laid bear for all to see. Light is shining in dark places. Truth is suddenly in vogue again, where even things that happened decades ago (eg. JFK) are being made public. Masks are being ripped off. These are all things God loves; these are all actions that invite and attract His blessings.
It is as though a strong angel announced: Wolf season is now open! And yet, the call to increased vigilance and discernment must also be tempered with humility and patience. We must not go out guns blazing. A good hunter knows this is a deadly sport. Once you pull the trigger, it’s over. To take this exhortation and start finding fault with your pastor or a spiritual leader (as I have witnessed others do) is downright dangerous. “Beware” is not the same as “Be vindictive” or in extremes, “Be jury, judge, and executioner”. Wolves wander among the sheep and the shepherds. Shooting the wrong thing is simply not an option. I would not want to be responsible for wounding innocents.
As prowling, ravenous wolves increase among the flock of God, may He grant each one of us the vigilance and discernment to recognize and expose them, then the courage and authority to unmask and defang them as the Good Shepherd has so wonderfully empowered us to do.
* This “windfall” for the Catholics has enabled them to pay back the $5 billion dollar price tag incurred from its sexual abuse cases. You can’t make this up!